Kent Bruland (42) has always liked hiking and 20 years ago he did a lot of strength training. Some time ago life made him start rethinking his everyday life.
8 months ago, Kent was visually impaired and almost blind by his diabetes. He was depressed and overwhelmed by the feeling of powerlessness. Where should he start to take control of his own health?
“I have always loved going for walks and have a wife and two children with whom I want to be active. In the past, all my family members were able to outrun me in the blink of an eye."
He downloaded all sorts of training apps, but none of them gave him anything concrete to relate to. He felt caught in the app jungle without any guidance on his journey to become healthier.
Kent's employer, Frydenbø Bil, announced an activity competition for all employees. Kent chose to give this a try. Together with good colleagues, Kent was to collect training points and compete in teams against other teams in the company. He cleared away all excuses for not being physically active; purchased a treadmill to have at home and began to track his time on his favorite hike in his home area of Sotra.
The joy of doing this with colleagues became important to Kent.
“With the app, I do not train alone. I can compete against the others and at the same time with myself. The app gives me concrete feedback on my progress and it works! The first training I did with the app, I sounded like a whale. But this quickly changed. I have gone from a biological age of 62 to now 20 years. I aim to complete vo2max 60 by the end of 2021 ”.
Kent is no longer recognized by customers at work. They will probably have to take some new photos of him, the man has completely changed. He has lost 20 kg and no longer looks like himself, but the most important thing is how he feels about himself. His sight is back, the depression and powerlessness are gone. The doctor has declared Kent healthy from his type 2 diabetes.
"I have no burden on my shoulders anymore. I feel happy all the time and have no reason not to continue with what I've been doing. Life is better and I finally have the energy I need for what I want and what my kids need .”
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